Accessibility Testing

UIS Accessibility Reviews

All new websites must pass a UIS accessibility review before they can launch. You will be responsible for verifying that the website or application passes both automated and manual testing prior to requesting a UIS review.

Testing Tools


Georgetown University website admins and editors can get access to Siteimprove upon registering for the Intro to Accessibility workshop. You can also add a site to SiteImprove .

Siteimprove Chrome browser extension

Install the Siteimprove extension for Chrome to check individual pages right inside your browser window. You will need to use this if your site is access restricted.

Manual testing checklist

Automated tools can’t catch everything! See the manual testing guide and manual testing checklist to check your pages for more accessibility issues.

PDF Accessibility Testing

Ensuring PDF accessibility takes diligence and hard work. Visit our PDF accessibility page for resources and testing tools.