Disability Community
The disability community is a vibrant, diverse group with a long legacy of activism and community building at Georgetown University, in Washington, DC, and beyond. Georgetown University is proud to recognize student clubs focusing on the disabled experience; a robust Disability Studies program featuring rich, interdisciplinary courses; Hoya alums generously supporting disability programming and student engagement through the Disability Empowerment Endowment Fund; and an innovative Disability Cultural Center, which offers cultural and social programming about the intersectional disabled experience for Georgetown community members. Launched in response to student input, the Disability Cultural Center celebrates disability culture on campus.
Disability Culture at Georgetown

Disability Cultural Center
The Disability Cultural Center (DCC) supports, educates, and empowers disabled community members, celebrates disabled people’s achievements, and advocates for a climate that promotes social justice. The Disability Cultural Center will coordinate and integrate the educational, academic, social, and support programming for disabled students, faculty, staff, allies, and people interested in learning more about disability.

Disability Cultural Month and Beyond
Georgetown celebrates Disability Cultural Month in October to coincide with National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and provides programming that affirms and celebrates all members of the disability community.
Disabilities Studies and Programs
Disability Studies Program
Bringing together cutting-edge research in the humanities, social sciences, and health sciences, Disability Studies is a robust field of inquiry which analyzes the cultural and political significance of disability, examining the construction and production of disability in history and the present moment.
Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
The Georgetown University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities advances self-determination among the diversity of people with developmental and other disabilities and their families, throughout the life course, and advocates for their full participation in all aspects of community life.
Disability Studies Research Guide
This Library research guide highlights major resources that Georgetown provides to support research and teaching in Disability Studies.
Student, Employee and Alumni Engagement

Student Groups
Connect with student groups at Georgetown University who support the disability community, such as the Georgetown Disability Alliance, GU Signs, Active Minds, Best Buddies and the Disability Law Student Association.

Disability Employee Resource Group (ERG)
The Disability Cultural Center has launched a Disability Employee Resource Group (ERG) to provide employees with opportunities for networking and community-building. ERGs are voluntary, employee-led groups that bring together employees who share common interests, backgrounds, and concerns, and cultivate an inclusive and supportive environment at Georgetown. Please reach out to disabilityculture@georgetown.edu to learn more about ways to get involved.

Disability Empowerment Endowed Fund
Founder of the student group and organization Diversability, Tiffany Yu (B’10) seeks to expand access for disabled students and celebrate disability culture on campus. Through philanthropy, advocacy, and activism, Yu aims to help the university grow initiatives, programs and opportunities at Georgetown.

Career Resources
This Cawley Career Education Center guide offers resources on various aspects of personal career development for disabled students.